Tech 21 Sansamp YYZ Geddy lee


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Geddy Lee, the famous Rush bassist and singer, partnered with Tech 21 to streamline and simplify his gear for new projects. The result was his signature rackmount SansAmp, the GED-2112. In order to develop this unit, a boatload of equipment had to be distilled into a single rackspace. The next challenge being to bring a super-compact, portable alternative, Tech 21 further distilled the rackmount into a pedal format. The SansAmp YYZ offers Geddy’s core sound and the versatility for many different styles.


– All analog SansAmp technology enables you to record directly and enhance previously recorded tracks. For live performances, the YYZ can drive a power amp and speakers, augment your existing amplifier set-up, or run directly into the mixer of a PA system.
– Mix control to blend the ratio of high-end studio clean and dirty bass tube amp tones.
– Tight button to add definition to your notes in cleaner settings and make distorted tones snappier.
– Drive adjusts the overall amount of gain and overdrive, similar to when the output section of a tube amp is being pushed.
– Active 3-band EQ.
– Master volume.

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